Disease Prevention and Management Techniques with Proper Nutrition - SPD Mom

SPD Mom aka Sensory Perception Disorder Mom ~ Mom of two Asperger/SPD boys, and talk about health related like diet, fitness, nutrition etc


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Disease Prevention and Management Techniques with Proper Nutrition

The role of diet and nutrition is very important for preventing diseases and managing complications. A healthy and balanced diet is needed for maintaining overall good health, preventing muscle strength loss and bone mass loss, and getting adequate vitamins. Proper nutrition is also needed for preventing diseases like obesity, strokes, heart attacks, osteoporosis and some cancers. In addition, it also helps control as well as treats chronic conditions and disease like hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes, celiac disease and others. As such, disease prevention and management is very much possible with proper and balanced nutrition.

Nutrition Diet Plan Disease Prevention and Control

Today, the two major health problems in the world are a heart attack and obesity. Thus, most dietary guidelines are basically aimed at controlling and preventing these major causes of concern. Obesity develops as a result of eating too many calories than the body can burn. Obesity can also be the cause of many health problems like diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, arthritis, gallstones, some cancers, and gout.

In order to maintain ideal body weight, it is very important to eat plenty of low energy-dense foods like fruits and vegetables that contain fewer calories for each unit volume. So, even if you are eating plenty of these foods, there’s no reason to be worried as you will not gain weight. In addition, it is very important to emphasize on eating a lesser amount of high energy-dense foods like egg yolk, fats, sweets, fattening salad dressing and fried foods. Such foods could also be high in cholesterol as well as saturated fat.

Maintaining Good Health

The body mainly requires fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins for maintaining healthy functions of the organs, muscles, bones, and nerves. In addition, it also promotes hormone production for proper functions of various organs.

Minerals and vitamins naturally occur in the body and are essential for overall function and growth of the body. These are both important food groups needed for functioning. So, if your diet is deprived of these things, you are actually heading for trouble!

Actually, people, today, are least conscious about their food intake. They love fancy food rather than nutritious food. Of course, fancy and junk food are tastier than healthy foods, which become the obvious choice. Nevertheless, when it comes to disease prevention and management, there’s no way you can ignore healthier options for your daily meals. Indulge once in a while but stick to the basics of a healthy diet for adequate nutrition.