5 Natural Sources that Boost Brain and Improve Memory - SPD Mom

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5 Natural Sources that Boost Brain and Improve Memory

Natural memory boosters not only improve both short- and long-term memory and enhance ability to recall, but also boost the brain to function optimally.

It may be a mid-term assessment or final exam, a competitive test or spontaneity in answering any question, parents always expect their children to stand out in the crowd, be intelligent than others, think differently, and be the best of the best. The same expectation throughout their life motivates parents to send their kids to the best schools in town and also give them the best affordable diet to keep up their health and intelligence.

While there are hundreds of supplements available in the market that claim to increase the brain power, most of them have side effects, which the consumer may face in a long run.

These 5 Natural Sources can Surely Add to Your Intelligence!

According to different studies, fishes are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that delays the loss the natural power to remember things for a longer duration. Having fish twice a week delays the chances of memory decline by 10 percent. Freshwater, non-contaminated, moderate fish intake during pregnancy and infancy may benefit the development of child’s brain.

Walnuts – The Natural Brain
The shape of walnuts resembles human brain, maybe in a way Mother Earth wants to convey that walnuts are the best food for the brain. According to a study in 2009, walnuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids – natural antioxidants, which combats any damage to brain cells and reverses the aging sign of brain by 2 percent. Also, it helps to improve the learning power and acts as one of the best natural medicines for treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Dark green leafy vegetables are a rich source of iron, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which are known to improve the psychological intelligence. Maybe, this is one of the reasons why parents ask their children to have more and more of green vegetables in their diet. According to a study, the addition of vitamin E in the body increases the release of dopamine in the brain which further helps increase the flow of information to different parts of the brain.

A Coffee a Day Keeps Alzheimer’s Away
Caffeine content in the coffee gets into our nervous system at the earliest and takes action on the brain quickly. Besides keeping you awake, it also prevents Alzheimer’s disease and improves cognitive function. Even herbal tea has shown positive results and protective effects on the brain. When compared, tea drinkers did better in the intelligence tests as compared to the non-tea drinkers.

Carrots are a rich source of a compound called luteolin. Luteolin is known to help reduce the inflammation in the brain and restore the memory. Besides this, carrots’ juice is also good for improving vision and reducing the aging effect of brain.