So what to do when your SPD/Asperger child has behaviors outside the SPD behaviors, or what causes him to misbehave, when you have already changed the environment to accommodate SPD? Like you know, cut the tags off, get ear plugs, sunglasses, soft clothing, the food deal, etc, etc, etc., we all know the drill, but the bad behavior keeps happening. You have counted so many times to 2, or sometimes 3, you repeat yourself over and over about the same damn things, like getting ready for bed, "please come and brush you teeth," please come and brush your teeth, "PLEASE COME AND BRUSH YOUR GODDAMN TEETH!" (well maybe not Goddamn, but you' d like too, or at least I would), and nothing really changes around the house, you still cannot go grocery shopping without a "freakout," and honestly, your just SOOO tired these days.. Yes you are making progress, but its sooo slow.. Does any of this sound familiar? Well, I have become fed up, like REALLY fed up. I have run out of tricks for behavior management, and I am not sure anymore if its due to aspergers, spd, his age, or something else.. but it doesn't matter anymore WHAT is the cause, but how to fix it. SO, Tom is now involved in what is called, "Wrap Around Services," which is the first step for him in behavior management. It is something that was recommended by the county, as the home situation, and public meltdowns and crazy behaviors have become too much for the family and more than likely, Tommy.
What happens first is getting the child to go through a core evaluation at a center. These centers can be recommended by early intervention or preschool special ed. So we went through kind of an intake. Our next step was to meet with a Psychologist, who met Tom, and spoke with me. I had a lot of written reports about him to pass along, observations by his support team, etc., so even if the Psychologist did not witness the behaviors in the office, he could read about them.
You are required to answer many questions about the mental health in the family, relatives, etc., which was fine for me. I don't have anything to be embarrassed about.. I guess what I mean to say is, so what if someone knows there is depression on both sides.. Who cares? If it helps Tom, it helps Tom. So Monday I meet with the insurance company, and the "team" to answer a few more questions and meet his behavior therapist and mobile therapist. Not sure what that will entail, but will write about it when I do. PA Department of Public Welfare has a great website about wrap around services and what they are all about, incase this may be something you may need as well in your particular state. Good Luck.