Whether you agree with the new health legislation act or not, is really irrelevant these days. New Health Insurance protections for children have officially kicked in, as well as other protections for insured people, so check out "The Affordable Care Act's New Regulations." , a government website, (many of these protections involve the date you started coverage, so read carefully). I personally like getting rid of denying a child a policy, based on a previous diagnosis, say Autism or PPD-NOS, and limiting their coverage for treatment, or better yet, not covering them at all. Then there is the preventative care coverage which gets RID OF COPAYS, co-insurance, and deductibles. Makes sense to me.. Let the insurance companies cover these things.. some kind-of do already.. Hey, our Senators have awesome plans, why not the rest of us? We might be a healthier nation if in fact one knew that once a year your mammogram was free, or your cancer screening, etc.. and your premium did not have to reflect these, "cushy extras." Personally, we have no insurance.. Yep, nada. Cannot afford the premium, even the catastrophic coverage premiums, at least for the moment. And yes, we are crazy, and I worry a lot about, "what if." The kids are covered, they always are.. but like many, we fall through the cracks, we don't make enough to purchase good insurance, and we make too much to qualify for help.. So, it is what it is. Personally, I am glad there is a shake up in health care reform.. Premium rises are really bullshit.. and its not fair that people who hardly use their insurance anyway, get penalized with higher premiums EVERY YEAR!!!! Personally, your premium should be related to how often you need medical attention, I think. You go to the doctor for every sniffle? Higher premium. You don't eat well, don't exercise, and you have medical issues because of your lifestyle choices? Higher premium. May sound harsh, but something needs to change. And its not just individuals at fault, its the insurance companies with their profits and desire for greed, billing practices, etc.. There is nothing that makes me more angry than health care premiums, and health care coverage. I can only imagine what this world would be like if we had affordable healthcare for ALL, and not just for those who can afford the best plans. Oh and by the way.. Autism preventative screening is now covered under this new act... Thank the lord..