Choosing the Right Sports Nutrition Supplements - SPD Mom

SPD Mom aka Sensory Perception Disorder Mom ~ Mom of two Asperger/SPD boys, and talk about health related like diet, fitness, nutrition etc


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Choosing the Right Sports Nutrition Supplements

Do we need sports nutrition supplements is a simple question, to most of the fitness trainers will answer in a ‘yes’. But choosing the right sports nutrition supplements is a hard nut to crack. Knowing the requirement of your body and finding the right supplement that can meet up with your body’s nutritional needs is all it takes.

Choosing Vitamin B for Fitness Bodybuilding

Whether or not you are an athlete or a weightlifter, your body’s wear and tear during working out can be recuperated with the help of Vitamin B. Not one, nor two, there are several vitamins our body needs to stay active, fit and fight the process of abrasion. Most vitamins do not stay in the body for more than 4-5 hours. So when you take a Vitamin B complex that says all you need is to pop a pill a day, it is certainly some fallacy or a marketing fail. Pick up a supplement that says twice to thrice a day and has other nutrients too except Vitamin B complex.

Why You Need Vitamin D Supplement When You are in Sports?

According to a research carried out by the University of Wyoming, athletes and sports persons apply more sunscreen than average people. This reduces their chances of grabbing Vitamin D from direct sunlight. Vitamin D is essential for your bone density, especially required during high impact sports like wrestling, boxing, etc. Deficiency of Vitamin D also affects your muscle health, overall affecting your locomotion. Most multivitamin and calcium supplements contain Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) in some quantity. While picking over the counter Vitamin D supplement, make sure you are getting minimum 1000 IUs per day, but if you are into vigorous sports and physical activity, you might need up to 2000 IUs.

Calcium has a Special Role to Play in Sports

Calcium not only strengthens your bones, it also reduces the chances of muscle cramps after a severe workout. Our body finds it hard to absorb calcium; that’s why calcium is always given in small doses. Pick up a sports nutrition supplement that gives you 200mg to 400mg calcium along with 100 IUs to 200 IUs of vitamin D to help in calcium absorption.

Apart from Vitamins and calcium, your body also needs folic acid, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and sodium. It is important to store your sports nutrition supplements in cool, dark place, away from sunlight for their effectiveness and longevity.